To this for beginners at the fastest to understand real time operating system belongs µC/OS from Jean J. Labrosse ( see ).
In the versions 1.xx it can administer up to 63 applikationtasks with ever different priorities and belongs to the real time operating systems with the lowest storage demand.
pC/OS was based on the original version µC/OS 1.00 from the Embedded Systems Programming Magazine(1992) developed further.

Since is exchanged by direct transfer of pointers in the original version data between the tasks, and consequently no guarantee for the free usability of the sending-buffers after transfer to another task exists and, much important, the recipient a pointer in the data field of another tasks gets (pointer-error / longitudinal mistake / manipulations among others) I altered the mechanisms for Message-Box and Queue accordingly in a way that the data about a kernel-internal Buffer now are handed over to the recipient. This means that the kernel copies to transferring data into an individual buffer and this copies also again itself with transfer to the recipient in the buffer prepared through the recipient. This admittedly entails a higher storage demand for Queue, secures the processes for it most extensive, however (for real-mode) of each other from.
Kernel constants were transferred in the CODE-Area for security reasons furthermore.
Furthermore I have add pipes, eventgroups, timerservice and dynamic memory management.

In order to declare these alterations unequivocally, I have altered the name, ajar at the always bigger nascent original "µC/OS", on pC/OS like "pico-C..".

Special to:  Priority Inversion, the problem and the solutions (actual only in german - sorry !)

known bug:
If a task with lower priority waits for a recource, and a task with higher priority this recource places, so the asleep Task is put into the ready-state. Since the task with higher priority further-runs, this cannot finish reading again the same recource since the lower task 'prematurely' comes with implementation with the return-code OS_TIMEOUT back otherwise.

Since the terms of the various IPC's with data transport are not unique and different implementations can be found in different RTOS systems under the same terms, here is an overview of all the IPC's implemented in the pC/OS.

Semaphor "Semaphor"
   - binary/blocking serialize access to shared objects(s)
   - counting counting of an event
Mutual-Excusion "Mutex" serialze access to shared object(s) w/o the risk
of priority inversion but internaly more complex
Event-Group "EventGroup" a group of events, w/o counting but with AND/OR options for pending
Mailbox "MailBox" a single pointer/value transfer
- one pointer/value is temp stored
(a one pointer/value buffer)
Byte-Queue "Queue" detail ByteQueuebyte-by-byte transfer (FIFO / LIFO)
- the bytes are temp stored in the queue
(a serial transfer-buffer for bytes)
Package-Queue "Pipe" detail Pipepackage-by-package transfer (FIFO / LIFO)
- the hole packages are temp stored in the pipe
(a serial transfer-buffer for packages / C-structs)
Smart-Pointer-Queue "SmartMessageQueue"detail MessageQueuepointer-by-pointer transfer (FIFO / LIFO)
- the pointers are temp stored and the memory-heap ownership behind that pointers is transfered too
(a serial transfer-buffer for pointers inspired by C++ smart-pointers)

Please note that some functions are declared under the same name as the original but with modified parameters or pointers.


OS_InitInitialization of the kernel
OS_StartBegin the kernel services
OS_TaskCreateGenerating of a task
OS_ChangePrioAlteration of the priority of the active task
OS_TaskChangePrioAlteration of the priority of a active/ready task
OS_TaskDeleteDeletion of a active/ready task
OS_TaskIdDeleteDeletion of a active/ready task by unique ID
OS_TaskGetStatusreturns the current status of the task
OS_TaskIdGetStatusreturns the current status of a task by unique ID
OS_TaskGetIDreturns the unique ID of a task
OS_TaskGetPrioreturns the priority of a task
OS_TaskIdDestroyDeletion of a task by unique ID, even if he waits for an IPC or a mutex has occupied & release all memory allocations
OS_TaskSuspendSuspending of a task
OS_TaskIdSuspendSuspending of a task by unique ID
OS_TaskResumeReactivation of a suspended task
OS_TaskIdResumeReactivation of a suspended task by unique ID
OS_TimeDlyPut current task for certain time sleeps
OS_TimeDlyResumeReactivation of an asleep task before course of the put in time
OS_TimeDlyIdResumeReactivation of an asleep task by unique ID before course of the put in time
OS_LockIt suppresses the Sheduler (no taskswitch)
OS_UnlockReactivation of the Sheduler (taskswitch at event or time)
OS_GetRevReturns pointer on kernel revision

OS_MemoryInitGenerates of the memory pool
OS_MemAllocAllocation of memory
OS_MemFreeRelease of allocated memory
OS_MemFreeSizeIt returns the amount of free memory
OS_MemVerifyPtrCheck if the pointer points inside the memory pool

OS_SMQueueInitInitialsation of a SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQueueInfoInformation about a SmartMessageQueue catches up with
OS_SMQueueClearDelete all messages in a SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQueuePostSend a message into a SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQueueFrontPostSend a message to the beginning of a SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQueuePostAbbortAbborts waiting of a sending task (highest waiting prio) onto a SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQueuePendWait for a message from a SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQueuePendAbbortAbborts waiting of a receiving task (highest waiting prio) onto a SmartMessageQueue

OS_MboxInitInitialisation of a Mailbox
OS_MboxPostSend data to task with higher priority recipients of this Mailbox
OS_MboxPostAbbortAbborts waiting of a sending task (highest waiting prio) onto a mailbox
OS_MboxPendWait for data from a Mailbox
OS_MboxPendAbbortAbborts waiting of a receiving Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Mailbox

OS_QueueInitInitialsation of a Queue
OS_QueueInfoInformation about a Queue catches up with
OS_QueuePostSend data into a Queue
OS_QueueFrontPostSend data to the beginning of a Queue
OS_QueuePostAbbortAbborts waiting of a sending task (highest waiting prio) onto a queue
OS_QueuePendWait for data from a Queue
OS_QueuePendAbbortAbborts waiting of a receiving Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Queue
OS_QueueClearDelete all data in a Queue

OS_PipeInitInitialisation of a Pipe
OS_PipeInfoInformation about a Pipe catches up with
OS_PipePostSend data into a Pipe
OS_PipeFrontPostSend data to the beginning of a Pipe
OS_PipePostAbbortAbborts waiting of a sending task (highest waiting prio) onto a pipe
OS_PipePendWait for data from a Pipe
OS_PipePendAbbortAbborts waiting of a receiving Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Pipe
OS_PipeClearDelete all data in a Pipe

inter-core AMP-Pipes:Description
OS_IccInitInitialisation of the AMP-Pipe pair
OS_IccInfoInformation about the AMP-Pipe pair catches up with
OS_IccPostSend data to the other core
OS_IccPendwait for data from the other core
OS_IccClearDelete all data of the AMP-Pipe towards the other core

OS_SemInitInitalisation of a Semaphore
OS_SemAcceptwait for event and returns number
OS_SemPostDecontrol of a busy Semaphores / places event
OS_SemPendCover one Semaphore / waits on event
OS_SemPendAbbortAbborts waiting of a Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Semaphore
OS_SemClearClear the Semaphore-Counter

OS_MutexCreateGenerating of a Mutex
OS_MutexPostDecontrol of a Mutex
OS_MutexPendCover the Mutex
OS_MutexPendAbbortAbborts waiting of a Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Mutex

OS_EvgInitInitialisation of a Eventgroup
OS_EvgPostPlace one/many events of an Evengroup
OS_EvgPendWait for arriving an or several events of an Eventgroup
OS_EvgPendAbbortAbborts waiting of a task (highest waiting prio) onto a Eventgroup

OS_TimerCreateGenerating of a Timer
OS_TimerDeleteDelete of a generated Timer
OS_TimerStart(Re-)Start of a generated Timer
OS_TimerStopStop of a generated Timer
OS_TimerGetStatereturns the status of a generated Timer
OS_TimerGetRemainreturns the remaining time of a running Timer

OS_TimeSetSet ticker to value
OS_TimeGetreturns current ticker-value

OS_IntEnterRegistration of a called ISR
OS_IntExitEnd of a called ISR

OS_HistoryPostWrite entry in History
OS_HistoryReadreturn first History-entry and delete this in the table







no errors


parameter wrong / error


timeout condition occurs during waiting for a resource


under this priority, a other Task or Mutex is registered


under this priority, no Task is registered


under this suspend priority, no Task is registered


the task is not suspended


the task is not ready


the Idle-Task cannot be suspended


the value of priority is bigger OS_MIN_PRIO


the task doesn't sleep


internal error in Semaphore-handling


Semaphore occupied / no event (with OS_NO_SUSP)


Error in the Semaphore-handling (Counter too big)


Error in Mutex-handling


Mutex occupied (with OS_NO_SUSP)


to change Task have a Mutex occupied


Mailbox fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)


no message in Mailbox (with OS_NO_SUSP)


Queue fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)


no byte in Queue (with OS_NO_SUSP)


Queue was cleared during waiting


Error in SmartMessageQueue handling


SmartMessageQueue fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)


no package in SmartMessageQueue (with OS_NO_SUSP)


SmartMessageQueue was cleared during waiting


Pipe fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)


no package in Pipe (with OS_NO_SUSP)


Pipe was cleared during waiting


Package too long


Error in Event-Group handling


Event(s) appeared not (with OS_NO_SUSP)


no time given on TimerCreate


timer was not created / registered


timer still created / registered


parameter error / internal error


memeory overflow


no (more) entry existing


parameter error / internal error


no package in AMP-Pipe (with OS_NO_SUSP)


Package/Message too long


AMP-Pipe fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)

Configuration of the kernel

The pC/OS kernel can be configured in addition to the to-use hardware port some numbers of ways to configure Services/IPCs as well as to reduce the memory requirements - code-size for the compilers "unused code" may not clearly identify and RAM - available. These are in the file "OS_cfg.h" together.

components configurationdescription
OS_SYSTEM_TICKS_PER_SECsystem ticks per secound
OS_TIMER_TICKS_PER_SECtimer ticks per secound (see Timer-Service / TIMERS), can be tick faster than the kernel(system)-ticks
OS_TASK_EXT_ENinclude code for extended TASKS services
OS_TASK_DESTROY_ENinclude code for destroy pending/waiting TASKS, needs OS_TASK_EXT_EN too
OS_SEM_ENinclude code for SEMAPHORES
OS_SEM_EXT_ENinclude code for extended SEMAPHORES services
OS_MUX_ENinclude code for MUTEXES
OS_MBOX_ENinclude code for MAILBOXES
OS_Q_ENinclude code for QUEUES
OS_P_ENinclude code for PIPES
OS_EVG_ENinclude code for EVENTGROUPS
OS_TMR_ENinclude code for TIMERS
OS_MEM_ENinclude code for MEMORY-MANAGER
OS_HIS_ENinclude code for HISTORY
OS_ICC_ENinclude code for inter-core AMP-PIPES
OS_STK_CHECK_ENcheck end-of-stack of old task during context switch
OS_STK_CHECK_FILLfill stack with 0xEF pattern to get the deep of use

user configurationdescription
OS_MAX_TASKSmax created tasks in hole system --> max 64 !
OS_MIN_PRIOlowest possible prio --> max 64 !
OS_IDLE_STK_SIZEidle stack size in OS_STK_TYPE with fix (OS_MIN_PRIO - 1) as prio for idle task
OS_TMR_PRIOtimer task prio, if OS_TMR_EN is not 0
OS_TMR_STK_SIZEtimer stack size in OS_STK_TYPE, if OS_TMR_EN is not 0
OS_MAX_HISTORYhistory entries, if OS_HIS_EN is not 0
OS_STK_RESERVEspace between real end-of-stack and check-point in OS_STK_TYPE, if OS_STK_CHECK_EN is not 0

If a system is needed with 5 tasks, 2 of which tasks are using a shared mutex, you need OS_MAX_TASKS = 7 (including a Mutex and Idle-Task) and OS_MIN_PRIO = 8 whereas the Idle-Task then gets the prio 7 and all other Tasks and the Mutex gets higher priorities (0..6). If the timer-service should used too, it must be this timer task additionally involved.

Managed / Unmanaged Interrupt Service Routinen (ISR)

The pC/OS kernel must be notified when an ISR is running and needs to consider when leaving this if a process change is "preemptive" required. There are, depending on the hardware and used implementation, two ways:

managed ISRthe IRQ entry / exit is central and informs the kernel (see eg. ARM7TDMI ports)
unmanaged ISReach ISR is independent and is jumped out directly from the vector table -> the kernel must be informed. (see eg. Cortex-Mx ports)

In managed-ISRs the central ISR entry / exit code informs the kernel, so that the ISR itself must not observed for the kernel. In unmanged ISR however, at first OS_IntEnter() is to call and at end / at last OS_IntExit() is to call !

managed ISRunmanaged ISR
PUBLIC OSirqISR CODE32 OSirqISR ; save registers ; register interrupt on kernel ; read Interrupt vector for ... ; ... this event (eg MyManaged_ISR) ; call handler (eg MyManaged_ISR) --> ; call OS_IntExit() ; restore registers END void MyManaged_ISR(void) { . . // my ISR code . } void MyUnManaged_ISR(void) { OS_IntEnter(); . . // my ISR code . OS_IntExit(); }



void OS_Init(void)

Initialize the Kernel and installs the Idle-Task. This function must be called before all other kernelservices at the system initialization once.



Return Value



void main(void) { . . OS_Init(); . . OS_Start(); }


void OS_Start(void)

Starts the kernel. This function activates the sheduler and never returns back to caller.



Return Value



void main(void) { . . OS_Init(); . . OS_Start(); }


U08 OS_TaskCreate(void (OS_FAR *task)(void *dptr), void *data, void *pstk, U16 stksize, U08 prio)

Installs a new Task. This function initializes the Task-Control-Block and writes down the new Task with his Stack and the call parameters. This can from main() take place out in term during the initialization as well as another Task.


*dptrpointer to task-code
*datapointer to parameter of this task
*pstkpointer to stack of this task
stksizestack size in OS_STK_TYPE
priopriority of this task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully positioned
OS_PRIO_EXISTunder this priority, already a Task exists
OS_PRIO_INVALIDthis priority is reserved for the Idle-Task or the value of priority is bigger than OS_MIN_PRIO


OS_STK_TYPE Task1Stack[STK_SIZE]; U08 Task1Data; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data); // forward declaration . . void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_TaskCreate(Task1, (void *)&Task1Data, Task1Stack, STK_SIZE, 18); . OS_Start(); } . . void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . . while(1) { . . . } }


U08 OS_ChangePrio(U08 newp)

Change the priority of the current Tasks. This function can be used in order to change the priority of the tasks on reason of an event for example.


newpnew priority of this task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPriority successfully changed
OS_PRIO_EXISTunder this priority, already a task exists
OS_PRIO_INVALIDthis priority is reserved for the Idle-Task or the value of priority is bigger than OS_MIN_PRIO
OS_MUX_USEDto change Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_ChangePrio(38); . } }


U08 OS_TaskChangePrio(U08 oldp, U08 newp)

Change the priority of a Tasks. This function can be used in order to change the priority of a running/ready tasks on reason of an event for example.
The priority of Tasks, waiting on a resource (Semaphore/Queue/Pipe/..) can not changed, because this state is visible for the kernel but not the exact resource itself.


oldpactual/old priority of the task
newpnew priority of this task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPriority successfully changed
OS_PRIO_EXISTunder this priority, already a task exists
OS_PRIO_INVALIDthis priority is reserved for the Idle-Task or the value of priority is bigger than OS_MIN_PRIO
OS_TASK_NOT_RDYthe Task is not in RUNNING/READY-state and so the priority can not changed
OS_MUX_USEDto change Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskChangePrio(38, 25); . } }


U08 OS_TaskDelete(U08 prio)

Delete the given task. This function can be used, about for example on reason of an event the task too ending/clearing. This task is distant from the Task-Control-Table afterwards. Allocated resources of the tasks are not released automatically on that occasion.
In order to later be able to execute this task again, it must be positioned again by means of OS_TaskCreate regularly.
Tasks, waiting on a resource (Semaphore/Queue/Pipe/..) can not be deleted, because this state is visible for the kernel but not the exact resource itself.


priopriority of the task to delete

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask deleted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTunder this priority, no task exists
OS_TASK_NOT_RDYthe Task is not in RUNNING/READY-state and so the task can not be deleted
OS_MUX_USEDto delete Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskDelete(OS_PRIO_SELF); . } }


U08 OS_TaskIdDelete(U08 id)

Delete the given task by unique ID. This function can be used, about for example on reason of an event the task too ending/clearing. This task is distant from the Task-Control-Table afterwards. Allocated resources of the tasks are not released automatically on that occasion.
In order to later be able to execute this task again, it must be positioned again by means of OS_TaskCreate regularly.
Tasks, waiting on a resource (Semaphore/Queue/Pipe/..) can not be deleted, because this state is visible for the kernel but not the exact resource itself.


idunique ID of the task to delete

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask deleted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXIST>under this ID, no task exists
OS_TASK_NOT_RDYthe Task is not in RUNNING/READY-state and so the task can not be deleted
OS_MUX_USEDto delete Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskIdDelete(3); . } }


U08 OS_TaskGetStatus(U08 prio)

Returns the current status of the given task.


priopriority of the task

Return Value

statussee "TASK STATUS", Bitmask


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 status; . . while(1) { . status = OS_TaskGetStatus(6); . } }


U08 OS_TaskIdGetStatus(U08 id)

Returns the current status of the given task by unique ID.


idunique ID of the task

Return Value

statussee "TASK STATUS", Bitmask


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 status; . . while(1) { . status = OS_TaskIdGetStatus(2); . } }


U08 OS_TaskGetID(U08 prio)

Returns the unique-ID to the specified tasks. These can later be used to e.g. a task - even if his priority have changed or has just a mutex in use - a violent end (OS_TaskDestroy()).


priocurrent priority of the task

Return Value

idthe unique-ID of this task


U08 idT1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . idT1 = OS_TaskGetID(OS_PRIO_SELF); . while(1) { . . } }


U08 OS_TaskGetPrio(U08 id)

Returns the priority to the specified tasks by unique ID.


idunique ID of the task

Return Value

priothe priority of this task


U08 prioT1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . prioT1 = OS_TaskGetPrio(2); . while(1) { . . } }


U08 OS_TaskIdDestroy(U08 id)

Removes the specified task completely independently of his status. This feature can be used to e.g. on basis of an event the task is to cancel. This task is then from the Task-Control-Table, from possibly registered IPCs (Semaphore/MBox/Queue/Pipe/..) and the Memory Manager completely removed.
If the tasks at this stage, a mutex has occupied, it will be released and a user-callback function is called to make any necessary reinitialization of the affected hardware, etc. (see OSMutexReInitResource () in "pC_OS_userCB.c"). But this can be done only for one mutex (the last). If the task have two mutexes occupied, it is only the last released!
In order to later be able to execute this task again, it must be positioned again by means of OS_TaskCreate regularly.
During this task will be removed from the Task-Control-Table and from the IPCs all interrupts are blocked because a suitable event for this task could result in a access/update conflict. During the subsequent clean up the memory-manager the interrupts are allowed again but sheduling is suppressed to prevent a simultaneous re-booting this task using OS_TaskCreate() (priority of this task).


idunique-ID of the task to destroy

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRtask completely removed
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTthe specified task does not exist
OS_TASK_NOT_RDYthe task could not be completely removed from the IPCs or a mutex
OS_MEM_ERRduring deallocating the memory allocations of this task an error occurs


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskIdDestroy(2); . } }


U08 OS_TaskSuspend(U08 prio)

Suspends a task from the implementation through the kernel. This function can be used in order to deactivate a task for a time on reason of an event for example.


priopriority of task to suspending

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully suspended
OS_SUSPEND_IDLEthe Idle-Task cannot be suspended
OS_PRIO_INVALIDthe value of priority is bigger than OS_MIN_PRIO
OS_TASK_SUSP_PRIOunder this priority, no Task is registered
OS_MUX_USEDto suspend Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskSuspend(24); . } }


U08 OS_TaskIdSuspend(U08 id)

suspends a task given by unique ID from the implementation through the kernel. This function can be used in order to deactivate a task for a time on reason of an event for example.


idunique ID of task to suspending

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully suspended
OS_SUSPEND_IDLEthe Idle-Task cannot be suspended
OS_TASK_SUSP_PRIOunder this ID, no Task is registered
OS_MUX_USEDto suspend Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskIdSuspend(4); . } }


U08 OS_TaskResume(U08 prio)

Reactivate a suspended Task. This function can be used in order to activate a suspended task again on reason of an event for example.


priopriority of suspended task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully reactivated
OS_TASK_NOT_SUSPthe Task is not suspended
OS_PRIO_INVALIDthe value of priority is bigger than OS_MIN_PRIO
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTunder this priority, no Task is registered
OS_MUX_USEDto resume Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskResume(24); . } }


U08 OS_TaskIdResume(U08 id)

Reactivate a suspended Task by given unique ID. This function can be used in order to activate a suspended task again on reason of an event for example.


idunique ID of suspended task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully reactivated
OS_TASK_NOT_SUSPthe Task is not suspended
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTunder this ID, no Task is registered
OS_MUX_USEDto resume Task have a Mutex occupied


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TaskIdResume(4); . } }


void OS_TimeDly(U16 ticks)

If puts the current task for kernel-ticks sleeps. This function can be used in order to let pass a defined time on reason of an event for example. ATTENTION! With the parameter OS_SUSPEND (0), the Task for always is deactivated and can never be activated again.


tickskernel-ticks as sleeping-time ( 1...65535 )

Return Value



void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . . while(1) { . OS_TimeDly(200); . } }


U08 OS_TimeDlyResume(U08 prio)

Breaks off the wait of a tasks prematurely. This function can be used in order to prematurely activate an asleep task again on reason of an event for example.


priopriority of sleeping task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully wakened
OS_TIME_NOT_DLYthe Task doesn't sleep
OS_PRIO_INVALIDthe value of priority is bigger than OS_MIN_PRIO
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTunder this priority, no Task is registered


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TimeDlyResume(24); . } }


U08 OS_TimeDlyIdResume(U08 id)

Breaks off the wait of a tasks prematurely by unique ID. This function can be used in order to prematurely activate an asleep task again on reason of an event for example.


idunique ID of sleeping task

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTask successfully wakened
OS_TIME_NOT_DLYthe Task doesn't sleep
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTunder this ID, no Task is registered


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TimeDlyIdResume(4); . } }


void OS_Lock(void)

If turns off the sheduler. This function can be used, about for example atomic (not under-breakable) to be able to execute processes, without task-switches. Interrupts still are served.



Return Value



void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . . while(1) { . OS_Lock(); . . // not under-breakable part . OS_Unlock(); . } }


void OS_Unlock(void)

If switches on the sheduler again. This function is used, about for example atomic (not under-breakable) to complete processes and to make a taskswitch again possible.



Return Value



void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . . while(1) { . OS_Lock(); . . // not under-breakable part . OS_Unlock(); . } }


U08 OS_FAR *OS_GetRev(void)

Returns a pointer on the kernelrevision (NULL-terminated ASCII-array).



Return Value

*pointerpointer to the address of array


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 OS_FAR *Revision; . . while(1) { . Revision = OS_GetRev(); . } }



U08 OS_MemoryInit(OS_MEM OS_HUGE *mp, U32 size)

Initialize the dynamic memory management. This function must be called for the dynamic memory management at the system initialization once. The functions of the vigorous memory management can be used also without current kernel. ATTENTION! It is executed no checkup of the storage area.


*mpstartaddress of memory-pool
sizesize of memory-pool in bytes

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMemory pool positioned
OS_MEM_ERRone of the parameters is ZERO

Example for LARGE memory in NEAR-model void main(void) { U08 state; . . // Memory: 512k - 64k(near) state = OS_MemoryInit((OS_MEM OS_HUGE *)(0x10000000), 458750); . . } Example for model-known memory U08 memorypool[MEMSIZE]; void main(void) { U08 state; . state = OS_MemoryInit((OS_MEM OS_HUGE *)(memorypool), MEMSIZE); . . }


U08 OS_MemAlloc(U08 OS_HUGE **MemPtr, U32 size)

Allocation of a required memory area.


*MemPtrpointer of pointer to get address of memory-area
sizesize of needed memory in bytes

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRmemory successfully allocated
OS_MEM_ERRsize is ZERO or bigger as storage area of the processor
OS_MEM_OVFnot sufficiently free memory


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 OS_HUGE *Addr_p; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MemAlloc(&Addr_p, 3800); . } }


U08 OS_MemFree(U08 OS_HUGE **MemPtr)

Release of an allocated memory area and clearing of the pointer.


**MemPtrpointer of pointer to address of allocated memory

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRmemory successfully released
OS_MEM_ERRPointer is ZERO or not a valid allocation found


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 OS_HUGE *Addr_p; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MemAlloc(&Addr_p, 3800); . . state = OS_MemFree(&Addr_p); . } }


U32 OS_MemFreeSize(void)

It returns the amount of free memory.



Return Value

sizefree size in memory-pool in bytes


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 OS_HUGE *Addr_p; U32 fsize; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MemAlloc(&Addr_p, 3800); . . fsize = OS_MemFreeSize(); . } }


U08 OS_MemVerifyPtr(void OS_HUGE *MemPtr)

Check if a pointer is pointing into the memory pool. However, it is not checked whether it is a pointer to an allocated block, only the address range of the memory pool is used.


*MemPtra pointer

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPointer points into the memory-pool
"1"Pointer does'nt point into the memory-pool


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 OS_HUGE *Addr_p; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MemAlloc(&Addr_p, 3800); . . state = OS_MemVerifyPtr(Addr_p); if (state == OS_NO_ERR) { . state = OS_MemFree(Addr_p); } . } }



U08 OS_SMQueueInit(OS_SMQ *psmq, void OS_HUGE *buffer, U16 deep)

Initialize a SmartMessageQueue. A SmartMessageQueue is used to transfer data by means of a pointer to another process according to the FIFO principle. If the pointer points to an allocated memory block, the ownership of this block is also transferred. If the pointer does not point to an allocated memory block, the risk remains with the user because a non-specific pointer is passed directly.    Within this SmartMessageQueue, <deep> pointers can be passed to other processes through the kernel buffer <* buffer>. The buffer can be generated by direct declaration (OS_STK_TYPE SMQ_d [deep]) or by dynamic allocation. For dynamic allocation in segment-based storage management systems, the type declaration OS_HUGE is required to address an area across segment boundaries.


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue
*bufferpointer to kernel-buffer
deepsize of kernel-buffer in "void *"

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRSmartMessageQueue initialized


OS_SMQ MQueue; OS_STK_TYPE MQueue_d[16]; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_SMQueueInit(&MQueue, MQueue_d, 16); . }


U08 OS_SMQueueInfo(OS_SMQ *psmq, U16 *deep, U16 *used, U08 *prio)

Query the status of a SmartMessageQueue. This query can be used to determine various parameters of their initialization and their fill level. Furthermore, the priority of the waiting task can be determined.


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue
*deeppointer to variable will get the max pointer in pipe
*usedpointer to variable will get the used-pointer at this time
*priopointer to variable will get the priority of waiting Task (if zero - no Task is waiting)

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRno error (for extensions)
OS_SMQ_ERRno *psmq pointer given


OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 deep; U16 used; U08 prio; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SMQueueInfo(&MQueue, &deep, &used, &prio); . } }


U08 OS_SMQueueClear(OS_SMQ *psmq)

Clears the contents of a SmartMessageQueue and reactivates a pending send process. This feature can be used for error handling to restart the data transfer. Included pointers to an allocated memory block are released, otherwise the pointers are deleted and lost.


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRSmartMessageQueue content deleted


OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_SMQueueClear(&MQueue); . } }


U08 OS_SMQueuePost(OS_SMQ * psmq, void OS_HUGE **msg, U16 timeout)

Sends a pointer to a SmartMessageQueue. If the pointer points to an allocated memory block, the kernel takes ownership of this block and clears the sender's pointer.    With OS_NO_SUSP is returned immediately even if the SmartMessageQueue was full and with OS_SUSPEND is waited until the pointer can be entered (if necessary, endless).


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue
**msgpointer to pointer
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpointer sent into SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQ_FULLSmartMessageQueue full (on OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTSmartMessageQueue full (after waiting)


typedef struct user_s { U08 state; U16 len; U16 curr_offs; U08 data[]; } User_st; OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { User_st OS_HUGE *user_p; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MemAlloc(&user_p, sizeof(User_st) + 380); // struct + user-data . . state = OS_SMQueuePost(&MQueue, &user_p, 500); if (state == OS_NO_ERR) { . if (user_p == NULL) // ownership of memory-pool pointer was taken by kernel . } } }


U08 OS_SMQueueFrontPost(OS_SMQ * psmq, void OS_HUGE **msg, U16 timeout)

Sends a pointer to the beginning of a SmartMessageQueue. Thus, this pointer is first read out by the receiver (push forward). If the pointer points to an allocated memory block, the kernel takes ownership of this block and clears the sender's pointer.    With OS_NO_SUSP is returned immediately even if the SmartMessageQueue was full and with OS_SUSPEND is waited until the pointer can be entered (if necessary, endless).


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue
**msgpointer to pointer
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpointer sent into SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQ_FULLSmartMessageQueue full (on OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTSmartMessageQueue full (after waiting)


typedef struct user_s { U08 state; U16 len; U16 curr_offs; U08 data[]; } User_st; OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { User_st OS_HUGE *user_p; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MemAlloc(&user_p, sizeof(User_st) + 380); // struct + user-data bytes . . state = OS_SMQueueFrontPost(&MQueue, &user_p, 500); if (state == OS_NO_ERR) { . if (user_p == NULL) // ownership of memory-pool pointer was taken by kernel . } } }


U08 OS_SMQueuePostAbbort(OS_SMQ * psmq)

Cancels the waiting of a sending task at the SmartMessageQueue.
Only the waiting task with the highest priority is quasi "prematurely" sent to TimeOut.


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRWaiting for a task aborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno task is waiting at the SmartMessageQueue


OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SMQueuePostAbbort(&MQueue); . } }


U08 OS_SMQueuePend(OS_SMQ * psmq, void OS_HUGE **msg, U16 timeout)

Wait for a pointer from a SmartMessageQueue. If the pointer points to an allocated memory block, the ownership of this block is transferred to the receiver.    With OS_NO_SUSP is returned immediately even if no pointer was present and with OS_SUSPEND waits until a pointer is present (if necessary, endless).


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue
**msgpointer to pointer
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpointer get from SmartMessageQueue
OS_SMQ_NODATAno pointer in SmartMessageQueue (on OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTno pointer in SmartMessageQueue (after waiting)


typedef struct user_s { U08 state; U16 len; U16 curr_offs; U08 data[]; } User_st; OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { User_st OS_HUGE *user_p; U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SMQueuePend(&MQueue, &user_p, OS_SUSPEND); . . if ((user_p != NULL) && (!OS_MemVerifyPtr(user_p))) state = OS_MemFree(user_p); . } }


U08 OS_SMQueuePendAbbort(OS_SMQ * psmq)

Cancels the waiting for a receiving task at the SmartMessageQueue.
Only the waiting task with the highest priority is quasi "prematurely" sent to TimeOut.


*psmqpointer to SmartMessageQueue

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRWaiting for a task aborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno task is waiting at the SmartMessageQueue


OS_SMQ MQueue; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SMQueuePendAbbort(&MQueue); . } }



U08 OS_MboxInit(OS_MBOX *pmbox)

Initialization of a Mailbox. Through a mailbox any kind of data can pass by a pointer. On this, the recipient receives a pointer in the data field of the sender!


*pmboxpointer to Mailbox

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMailbox initialized


OS_MBOX MailBox1; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_MboxInit(&MailBox1); . }


U08 OS_MboxPend(OS_MBOX *pmbox, void OS_FAR *msg, U16 timeout)

Waits for a message from a mailbox. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if no news was available and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until a message is available, if necessary unending.


*pmboxpointer to Mailbox
*msgpointer to receiving parameter (U32)
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMessage from Mailbox gotten
OS_MBOX_NODATAno message in Mailbox (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTno message in Mailbox (after waits)


OS_MBOX MailBox1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U32 Message; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MboxPend(&MailBox1, &Message, 200); . } }


U08 OS_MboxPendAbbort(OS_MBOX *pmbox)

Abborts waiting of a receiving Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Mailbox. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pmboxpointer to Mailbox

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpending of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno pending task on this Maibox


OS_MBOX MailBox1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MboxPendAbbort(&MailBox1); . } }


U08 OS_MboxPost(OS_MBOX *pmbox, void OS_FAR *msg, U16 timeout)

Sends a message into a Mailbox. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the Mailbox was full and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the message can be written down, if necessary unending.


*pmboxpointer to Mailbox
*msgpointer to message (U32)
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMessage in Mailbox sent
OS_MBOX_FULLMailbox fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTMailbox fully (after waits)


OS_MBOX MailBox1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U32 Message; . . while(1) { . Message =0x3076; state = OS_MboxPost(&MailBox1, &Message, OS_SUSPEND); . } }


U08 OS_MboxPostAbbort(OS_MBOX *pmbox)

Abborts waiting of a sending Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Mailbox. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pmboxpointer to Mailbox

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRposting of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno posting task on this Maibox


OS_MBOX MailBox1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MboxPostAbbort(&MailBox1); . } }



U08 OS_QueueInit(OS_Q *pq, void OS_HUGE *buffer, U16 size)

Initialize a Queue. A Queue serves the byte-expels transfer of data at another process of the FIFO-prinzip. Within this Queue can <size> byte through the kernel buffer <*buffer> at other processes is handed over. The buffer can be generated through direct declaration ( UBYTE buffer[size] ) or through dynamic allocation. For the dynamic allocation in systems with segment-based memory management, the type declaration is OS_HUGE necessary in order to be able to go down well away with an area over segment borders.


*pqpointer to Queue
*bufferpointer to kernel-buffer
sizesize of kernel-buffer in bytes

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRQueue initialized


OS_Q Queue1; U08 Q_Data1[256]; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_QueueInit(&Queue1, &Q_Data1[0], 256); . }


U08 OS_QueueInfo(OS_Q *pq, U16 *size, U16 *used, U08 *prio)

Retrieval of the status of a Queue. Through this retrieval, miscellaneous parameters their initialization as well as their filling stand can be determined. Furthermore, the priority of the waiting tasks can be determined.


*pqpointer to Queue
*sizepointer to variable will get the size
*usedpointer to variable will get the used-bytes at this time
*priopointer to variable will get the priority of waiting Task (if zero - no Task is waiting)

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRno mistake (for expansions)


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 size; U16 used; U08 prio; . . while(1) { . state = OS_QueueInfo(&Queue1, &size, &used, &prio); . } }


U08 OS_QueuePend(OS_Q *pq, U08 OS_FAR *msg, U16 timeout)

Wait on one byte from a Queue. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if no bytes were available and become with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until one byte is available, if necessary unending.


*pqpointer to Queue
*msgpointer to receiving Byte
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRByte from Queue gotten
OS_Q_NODATAno byte in Queue (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTno byte in Queue (after waits)


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Receive; . . while(1) { . state = OS_QueuePend(&Queue1, &Receive, 100); . } }


U08 OS_QueuePendAbbort(OS_Q *pq)

Abborts waiting of a receiving Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Queue. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pqpointer to Queue

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpending of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno pending task on this Queue


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_QueuePendAbbort(&Queue1); . } }


U08 OS_QueuePost(OS_Q *pq, U08 msg, U16 timeout)

Sends one byte into a Queue. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the Queue was full and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the byte can be written down, if necessary unending.


*pqpointer to Queue
msgbyte to send
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRByte in Queue sent
OS_Q_FULLQueue fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTQueue fully (after waits)


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Message; . . while(1) { . Message = 0x6A; state = OS_QueuePost(&Queue1, Message, 5000); . } }


U08 OS_QueueFrontPost(OS_Q *pq, U08 msg, U16 timeout)

Sends one byte at the beginning of a Queue. Consequently, this byte first is finished reading again by the recipient (cuts in line). With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the Queue was full and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the byte can be written down, if necessary unending.


*pqpointer to Queue
msgbyte to send
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRByte in Queue sent
OS_Q_FULLQueue fully (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTQueue fully (after waits)


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Message; . . while(1) { . Message = 0x2D; state = OS_QueueFrontPost(&Queue1, Message, OS_NO_SUSP); . } }


U08 OS_QueuePostAbbort(OS_Q *pq)

Abborts waiting of a sending Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Queue.
It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pqpointer to Queue

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRposting of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno posting task on this Queue


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_QueuePostAbbort(&Queue1); . } }


U08 OS_QueueClear(OS_Q *pq)

Deletes the content of a Queue and reactivates a waiting posting-process. This function can be used to reactivate the datatransfer after a hang-on. The deleted data get lost on that occasion.


*pqpointer to Queue

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRcontent of Queue deleted


OS_Q Queue1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_QueueClear(&Queue1); . } }



U08 OS_PipeInit(OS_P *pp, void OS_HUGE *buffer, U16 size, U08 deep)

Initialize a pipe. A pipe is used to transfer data in packets to another process in FIFO-style.
The kernel offers two different modi to choose at the time of creation.

  • array-modi:
    The pipe works with a permanently assigned array of fixed size. Within this pipe maximum <deep> packages with a maximum of <size> bytes of a packet through the kernel buffer <*buffer> be transferred to another process. A packet can be between 1 byte and <size> bytes large but always occupies one row of the array of <size> bytes.
    The buffer can be generated by direct declaration (U08 Buffer[(size+2)*deep]) or by dynamic allocation. For dynamic allocation in segment-based storage management systems, the type declaration OS_HUGE is required to address an area across segment boundaries. The additional length of 2 bytes per packet is required for the storage of packet length.

  • dynamic-modi:
    The pipe uses the kernel memory manager and automatically allocates the required memory for a packet (plus 6 bytes of management) and release it again after reading of the package. Thus, only the memory required for a packet is always allocated (plus 6 bytes of pipe concatenation + n bytes of memory manager). As a result, this pipe is never full, only the free memory of the memory manager can be used up. Depending on the location and fragmentation of the memory, it can not be determined where the package is stored exactly. Furthermore, the accumulated packages within the pipe are directly concatenated and are therefore prone to erroneous memory accesses by user-tasks.
    In addition, the processing of 'allocate + copy' and 'copy + free' are interruptible mostly by interrupts and partly by sheduling. The integrity is secure at all times, but occasionally these processing may take a long time to complete. Furthermore, a sending task during 'OS_PipePost(..)' should NEVER be destroyed by an ISR or other task using 'OS_TaskDestroy(..)'.


*pppointer to Pipe
*bufferpointer to kernel-buffer (array mode)
sizemax size of data-bytes per paket (array mode)
deepmax pakets in pipe (array mode)

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPipe initialized


OS_P PipeA; OS_P PipeD; U08 P_DataA[(MAXPAKET+2)*8]; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_PipeInit(&PipeA, P_DataA, MAXPAKET+2, 8); // use array-modi of 'size*deep' . state = OS_PipeInit(&PipeD, NULL, 0, 0); // use dynamic-modi (Memory-Manager) . }


U08 OS_PipeInfo(OS_P *pp, U16 *size, U08 *deep, U08 *used, U08 *prio)

Retrieval of the status of a Pipe. Through this retrieval, miscellaneous parameters of their initialization as well as their filling stand can be determined. Furthermore, the priority of the waiting Tasks can be determined.


*pppointer to Pipe
*sizepointer to variable will get the size per paket
*deeppointer to variable will get the max pakets in pipe
*usedpointer to variable will get the used-pakets at this time
*priopointer to variable will get the priority of waiting Task (if zero - no Task is waiting)

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRno mistake (for expansions)


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 size; U08 deep; U08 used; U08 prio; . . while(1) { . state = OS_PipeInfo(&Pipe1, &size, &deep, &used, &prio); . } }


U08 OS_PipePend(OS_P *pp, U08 OS_HUGE *msg, U16 *lng, U16 timeout)

Waits on a data package from a Pipe. The receiver-buffer must be included sufficiently big in order to be able to pick up the package. Since the receiver-buffer can also be dynamically allocated, the type declaration is OS_HUGE necessary on the other hand in order to be able to go down well away with an area over segment borders. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if no package was available and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until one package is available, if necessary unending.


*pppointer to Pipe
*msgpointer to receiving array
*lngpointer to variable will get the lenght of paket
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPackage from Pipe gotten
OS_P_NODATAno package in Pipe (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTno package in Pipe (after waits)


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 rLenght; U08 Receive[1024]; . . while(1) { . state = OS_PipePend(&Pipe1, Receive, &rLenght, OS_SUSPEND); . } }


U08 OS_PipePendAbbort(OS_P *pp)

Abborts waiting of a receiving Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Pipe. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pppointer to Pipe

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpending of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno pending task on this Pipe


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_PipePendAbbort(&Pipe1); . } }


U08 OS_PipePost(OS_P *pp, U08 OS_HUGE *msg, U16 lenght, U16 timeout)

Sends one package into a Pipe. So the transmitter-buffer also dynamically allocated can be, the type declaration is OS_HUGE necessary on the other hand in order to be able to go down well away with an area over segment borders. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the Pipe was full and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the package can be written down, if necessary unending.


*pppointer to Pipe
*msgpointer to data-paket
lenghtlenght of data-paket
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPackage in Pipe sent
OS_P_FULLPipe fully (with OS_NO_SUSP) - on array-modi
OS_P_LEN_ERRPackage too long - on array-modi
OS_TIMEOUTPipe fully (after waits) - on array-modi
see OS_MemAlloc()memory error - on dynamic-modi


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Message[]={"Hello World!"}; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_PipePost(&Pipe1, Message, strlen(Message), 500); . } }


U08 OS_PipeFrontPost(OS_P *pp, U08 OS_HUGE *msg, U16 lenght, U16 timeout)

Sends one package at the beginning of a Pipe. Consequently, this package first is finished reading again by the recipient (cuts in line). Since the transmitter-buffer can also be dynamically allocated, the type declaration is OS_HUGE necessary on the other hand in order to be able to go down well away with an area over segment borders. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the Pipe was full and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the package can be written down, if necessary unending.


*pppointer to Pipe
*msgpointer to data-paket
lenghtlenght of data-paket
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPackage in Pipe sent
OS_P_FULLPipe fully (with OS_NO_SUSP) - on array-modi
OS_P_LEN_ERRPackage too long - on array-modi
OS_TIMEOUTPipe fully (after waits) - on array-modi
see OS_MemAlloc()memory error - on dynamic-modi


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Message[]={"Hallo Welt !"}; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_PipeFrontPost(&Pipe1, Message, strlen(Message), OS_NO_SUSP); . } }


U08 OS_PipePostAbbort(OS_P *pp)

Abborts waiting of a sending Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Pipe. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pppointer to Pipe

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRposting of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno posting task on this Pipe


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_PipePostAbbort(&Pipe1); . } }


U08 OS_PipeClear(OS_P *pp)

Deletes the content of a Pipe and reactivates a waiting transmitter-process. This function can be used to reactivate the datatransfer after a hang-on. The deleted packages get lost on that occasion.


*pppointer to Pipe

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPipe-content deleted


OS_P Pipe1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_PipeClear(&Pipe1); . } }

inter-core AMP-Pipe


U08 OS_IccInit(void)

Initialize the AMP-pipe pair. The AMP-pipe pair is used for the packet-wise transfer of data to another processor core according to the FIFO principle.

The maximum size of a packet, the maximum number of packets and the memory location is specified in the hardware-dependent adaptation 'OS_ICC_xxx.c' in order to provide both processor cores with exactly identical values.
A packet can be between 1 byte and <size> bytes in size, but always occupies one line of the array of <size> bytes.
The additional length of 2 bytes per packet is required to store the real packet length.



Return Value

OS_NO_ERRAMP-pipe pair initialized


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . state = OS_IccInit(); . }


U08 OS_IccInfo(U16 *size, U08 *deep, U08 *usedRx, U08 *usedTx)

Query the status of the AMP-pipe pair. This query can be used to determine various initialization parameters and their fill levels.


*sizepointer to variable will get the size per paket
*deeppointer to variable will get the max pakets in pipe
*usedRxpointer to variable will get the receiving AMP-Pipe used-pakets at this time
*usedTxpointer to variable will get the tranmitting AMP-Pipe used-pakets at this time

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRno error (for extensions)


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 size; U08 deep; U08 usedRx, usedTx; . . while(1) { . state = OS_IccInfo(&size, &deep, &usedRx, &usedTx); . } }


U08 OS_IccPost(U08 OS_HUGE *msg, U16 lenght, U16 timeout)

Sends a packet in the AMP-pipe to the other core. Since the sender buffer can also be dynamically allocated, the type declaration OS_HUGE is required in order to be able to address an area across segment boundaries.    OS_NO_SUSP returns immediately, even if the AMP-pipe was full, and OS_SUSPEND waits until the package can be entered (if necessary, endlessly).


*msgpointer to data-paket
lenghtlenght of data-paket
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRPacket sent in AMP-pipe
OS_ICC_FULLAMP-pipe full (at OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_ICC_LEN_ERRPacket too long
OS_TIMEOUTAMP-pipe full (after waiting)


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Message[]={"Hi other core!"}; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_IccPost(Message, strlen(Message), 500); . } }


U08 OS_IccPend(U08 OS_HUGE *msg, U16 *lng, U16 timeout)

Wait for a packet from the AMP-pipe from the other core. The recipient buffer must be large enough to accommodate the package. Since the recipient buffer can also be dynamically allocated, the type declaration OS_HUGE is required in order to be able to address an area across segment boundaries.    OS_NO_SUSP returns immediately, even if there was no package, and OS_SUSPEND waits until a package is available (if necessary, endlessly).


*msgpointer to receiving array
*lngpointer to variable will get the lenght of paket
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRReceive package from AMP-pipe
OS_ICC_NODATAno package in AMP-pipe (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTno package in AMP-pipe (after waiting)


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 rLenght; U08 Receive[512]; . . while(1) { . state = OS_IccPend(Receive, &rLenght, OS_SUSPEND); . } }


U08 OS_IccClear(void)

Deletes the content of the respective sending AMP pipe and reactivates a waiting sending process. This function can be used for error handling to restart the data transfer. The deleted packages are lost.



Return Value

OS_NO_ERRAMP pipe content deleted


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_IccClear(); . } }



U08 OS_SemInit(OS_SEM *psem, U16 cnt)

Initialize a Semaphore. One semaphores serves the process-syncronisation. Two variations of the utilization belong semaphores to it to one.
- binary: for example the syncronisation of accesses on common recources/variables
- counting: Attendants on entering of a signal, to the control of the sequence of processes.

With a binary semaphore, a state-machine can become protected before simultaneous accesses of different processes (Read/Write), for example. So, inconsistent conditions or data are avoided. Can appear however in some cases Priority Inversion, occupied i.e. this a low Task the recource, a higher Task therefore must wait and then for example through an INT a middle Task (and its heirs) whom lower Task interrupts for an uncertain time. In such a case, it is initialized the semaphores with 1 as cnt, the access asked by means of OS_SemPend and released again by means of OS_SemPost.

With a counting semaphore, arriving is signalled by events. So, a process can wait for a signal to pause about the sequence of processes. By means of OS_SemAccept, also the number of the meanwhile entered events can be determined on that occasion. In such a case, it is initialized the semaphores with 0 as cnt, waited on the event by means of OS_SemPend or OS_SemAccept and reported the event by means of OS_SemPost.


*psempointer to Semaphore

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRSemaphore initialized


OS_SEM State1; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_SemInit(&State1, 1); . }


U08 OS_SemPend(OS_SEM *psem, U16 timeout)

Reserve one on the protected recource semaphore and consequently the access as well as wait for an event. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if was not freely the semaphores as well as no event was available and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the semaphores the event could be reserved as well as could happen, if necessary unending.


*psempointer to Semaphore
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRSemaphore reserve / event was available
OS_SEM_NODATASemaphore occupy / no event (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTSemaphore occupy / no event (after waits)


OS_SEM State1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SemPend(&State1, OS_SUSPEND); . . } }


U08 OS_SemPendAbbort(OS_SEM *psem)

Abborts waiting of a Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Semaphore. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*psempointer to Semaphore

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpending of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno pending task on this Semaphore


OS_SEM State1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SemPendAbbort(&State1); . } }


U08 OS_SemAccept(OS_SEM *psem, U16 *cnt, U16 timeout)

It is used as Event-Counter with utilization of the semaphores. The Semaphore-counter is not influenced on that occasion. If the counter bigger than 0 the current counter will return. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the semaphoren-counter 0 is and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the event once appeared, if necessary unending.


*psempointer to Semaphore
*cntpointer to variable will get the counter-value
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERREvent min. 1 times happened
OS_SEM_NODATACounter immediately 0 (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTCounter immediately 0 (after waits)


OS_SEM Event1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; U16 EventCnt; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SemAccept(&Event1, &EventCnt, 500); . } }


U08 OS_SemPost(OS_SEM *psem)

Gives a retiring semaphore and consequently the access to the protected recource again freely as well as signals an event.


*psempointer to Semaphore

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRSemaphores released / event reported
OS_SEM_OVFError in the Semaphore-handling (Counter too big)


OS_SEM State1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_SemPost(&State1); . } }


U08 OS_SemClear(OS_SEM *psem)

Deletes the Counter of the semaphore. This function can be used to reset a counting-semaphore or for error-handling to restart the semaphore-handling. With application of binary semaphore to the control of accesses on a protected recource must be released the semaphore in the connection with application to the mistake-handling by OS_SemPost so much times, how simultaneously processes can access the recource.


*psempointer to Semaphore

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRcount of semaphore reset to 0


OS_SEM State1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_SemClear(&State1); . } }



U08 OS_MutexCreate(OS_MUX *pmux, U08 prio)

Aims as well as initializing of a Mutex (Mutual-Exclusion). A Mutex serves the syncronisation of accesses to common recources/variables. With a Mutex, state-machines are protected from simultaneous accesses of different processes (Read/Write), for example. The second process must wait, until the first process finished his access (Read/Write). So, inconsistent conditions or data are avoided. In contrast to the utilization of semaphores, the effect of the Priority Inversion cannot kick open on that occasion here. The priority of the Mutex must be included higher, as the highest priority of the Tasks accessing it. The Mutex is written down as not current Task, so under the same priority no other Task can run.


*pmuxpointer to Mutex

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMutex written down and initialized


OS_MUX Mutex1; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_MutexCreate(&Mutex1, 10); . }


U08 OS_MutexPend(OS_MUX *pmux, U16 timeout)

Reserve a Mutex and consequently the access on the protected recource. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if the Mutex was not free and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the Mutex could be reserved, if necessary unending.


*pmuxpointer to Mutex
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMutex reserved
OS_MUX_NOACCMutex is occupied (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTMutex is occupied (after waits)
OS_MUX_ERRError in Mutex-handling


OS_MUX Mutex1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MutexPend(&Mutex1, OS_SUSPEND); . . } }


U08 OS_MutexPendAbbort(OS_MUX *pmux)

Abborts waiting of a Tasks (highest waiting prio) on a Mutex.
It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pmuxpointer to Mutex

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpending of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno pending task on this Mutex


OS_MUX Mutex1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_MutexPendAbbort(&Mutex1); . } }


U08 OS_MutexPost(OS_MUX *pmux)

Gives a reserved Mutex free and again the access on the protected recource.


*pmuxpointer to Mutex

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRMutex released
OS_MUX_ERRError in Mutex-handling


OS_MUX Mutex1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_MutexPost(&Mutex1); . } }



U08 OS_EvgInit(OS_EVG *pevg)

Initialize an Eventgroup. An Eventgroup consists individually can be processed of 32 single-events, that summarized in an ULONG, as also grouped. Each Event within the group can report the appearance of an event, however any statement about it doesn't meet, how often the event appeared in the meantime. In order to also be able to count events, you must be used semaphores as Counting-Semaphore for every individual event. (semaphore with 0 initialize, at appearance of the event "OS_SemPost" and when wait "OS_SemAccept")


*pevgpointer to Eventgroup

Return Value

OS_NO_ERREvent-group initialized


OS_EVG Events1; void main(void) { U08 state; . . OS_Init(); . state = OS_EvgInit(&Events1); . }


U08 OS_EvgPost(OS_EVG *pevg, U32 events, U08 mode)

Report the appearance an as well as several Events of an Eventgroup. The bit mask is interpreted as OR of the Events on that occasion. I.e. all Events, that are set in the bit mask, are reported. Mode is used the utilization of this function for the erasure of Events.


*pevgpointer to Eventgroup
eventsbit-mask of events
modemode of usement "OS_EVG_OR / OS_EVG_CLR"

Return Value

OS_NO_ERREvent(s) reported


OS_EVG Events1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_EvgPost(&Events1,~0x00101000, OS_EVG_CLR); // clear this events state = OS_EvgPost(&Events1, 0x01000100, OS_EVG_OR); // set this events . } }


U08 OS_EvgPend(OS_EVG *pevg, U32 *events, U08 mode, U16 timeout)

Waits on one as well as several Events of an Eventgroup. The bit mask is interpreted modes as connection of the Events on that occasion together with him. I.e., already an Event, that is set in the bit mask, is enough with OS_EVG_OR for the function and with OS_EVG_AND, all Events, that are set in the bit mask, had to arrive. For a special case events of an Eventgroup can wake up multiple tasks at once. For this the Eventgroup differs on EvgPend and EvgPost between "OS_EVG_OR_C / OS_EVG_AND_C" for normal use (consuming event) or just "OS_EVG_OR / OS_EVG_AND" to wake up multiple tasks. But the events are then manually to delete again by a task. After returning the bit mask contains the occurred events that triggered the return. With OS_NO_SUSP, it immediately is come back even if no Event appeared and becomes with OS_SUSPEND as long as waited until the Event(s) appeared, if necessary indefinitely.


*pevgpointer to Eventgroup
*eventspointer to bit-mask of events waiting for, returns the events on return
modemode of usement "OS_EVG_OR_C / OS_EVG_AND_C"
timeoutkernel-ticks as waiting-time ( 1...65534 )

Return Value

OS_NO_ERREvent(s) appeared
OS_EVG_NOEEvent(s) not appeared (with OS_NO_SUSP)
OS_TIMEOUTEvent(s) not appeared (after waits)


OS_EVG Events1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U32 event; U08 state; . . while(1) { . event = 0x00100100; state = OS_EvgPend(&Events1, &event, OS_EVG_OR_C, OS_SUSPEND); . } }


U08 OS_EvgPendAbbort(OS_EVG *pevg)

Abborts waiting of a task (highest waiting prio) onto a Eventgroup. It is only the waiting task with the highest priority quasi "premature" to TimeOut forwarded.


*pevgpointer to Eventgroup

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRpending of a task abborted
OS_TASK_NOT_EXISTno pending task on this eventgroup


OS_EVG Events1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_EvgPendAbbort(&Events1); . } }



U08 OS_TimerCreate(OS_TMR *ptmr, U32 time, void(*tFct)(void *), void *tArg, U08 mode)

Creating / initialize a timer.
A timer can e.g. for subsequent purposes:
• timeouts within protocol layers and applications such as TCP / IP, X25, HTTP, FTP, ...
• prevent the "starvation" of tasks by defining a timeout and corresponding measures such as priority raising or other
• Periodic management of services
• soft-deadline / watchdog of services

As mode subsequent details can be made:
• OS_TMR_ENABLE - starts the Timer immediately
• OS_TMR_RONCE - Timer is of type "run-once", this means single timeout and after it is automatically disabled, but remains registered
• OS_TMR_CYCL - Timer is of type "cyclic / periodic" this means the timer will automatically restarted after each timeout
• OS_TMR_CLR - Timer is of type "run-once auto-erase," this means the timer is single timeout and is automatically deleted and must be created new for further use

It is OS_TMR_CLR the scheme goes before OS_TMR_CYCL and this before OS_TMR_RONCE.

The registered callback function should be as short as possible. For information-sharing an argument can be used.


*ptmrpointer to Timer
timetimeout of this timer (in timer-ticks)
tFctaddress of timeout-callback function
tArgargument of timeout-callback function
modemode of this timer (run-once / cyclic / auto-clear)

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTimer registered and initialized
OS_TMR_NO_TIMEno valid time a parameter given (time == 0)
OS_TMR_EXISTTimer was still registered and initialized


OS_TMR Timer1; void TCP_To_CB(void *session) { OS_QueuePost(&TCPIP_To_Q, (U08)session, OS_NO_SUSP); } U08 TCP_send(void) { U08 state; U08 session; . . state = OS_TimerCreate(&Timer1, 30, TCP_To_CB, &session, OS_TMR_ENABLE | OS_TMR_CLR); . }


U08 OS_TimerDelete(OS_TMR *ptmr)

Deactivate and delete a Timer.


*ptmrpointer to Timer

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTimer deleted
OS_TMR_NOT_EXISTthe Timer was not registered


OS_TMR Timer1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TimerDelete(&Timer1); . . } }


U08 OS_TimerStart(OS_TMR *ptmr, U32 time)

Starts a deactivated, restart a run-once or restart a running Timer.


*ptmrpointer to Timer
timenew timeout (if not zero) of this timer (in timer-ticks)

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTimer (re-)started
OS_TMR_NOT_EXISTthe Timer is not registered


OS_TMR Timer1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . state = OS_TimerStart(&Timer1, 0); . . } }


U08 OS_TimerStop(OS_TMR *ptmr)

Stops / deactivat a running Timer.


*ptmrpointer to Timer

Return Value

OS_NO_ERRTimer stopped
OS_TMR_NOT_EXISTthe Timer is not registered


OS_TMR Timer1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_TimerStop(&Timer1); . } }


U08 OS_TimerGetState(OS_TMR *ptmr)

Returns the status of a created timer.
The following information is provided:
• OS_TMR_ENABLE - the Timer is actually running
• OS_TMR_RONCE - Timer is of type "run-once", this means single timeout and after it is automatically disabled, but remains registered
• OS_TMR_CYCL - Timer is of type "cyclic / periodic" this means the timer will automatically restarted after each timeout
• OS_TMR_CLR - Timer is of type "run-once auto-erase," this means the timer is single timeout and is automatically deleted and must be created new for further use

If in the returns status not OS_TMR_ENABLE but OS_TMR_CLR, the timer was never created or the timer was "run-once auto-erase" and the time had expired.


*ptmrpointer to Timer

Return Value

statusstatus of the timers (see "modi" on OS_TimerCreate)


OS_TMR Timer1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U08 state; . . while(1) { . . state = OS_TimerGetState(&Timer1); if(state & OS_TMR_ENABLE) { . . } . } }


U32 OS_TimerGetRemain(OS_TMR *ptmr)

Returns the remaining time (in timer-ticks) of a running timer.
Is the returned time equal to 0, the timer was expired or was never activated by OS_TimerCreate.


*ptmrpointer to Timer

Return Value

timeremaining time in timer-ticks


OS_TMR Timer1; void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U32 rtime; . . while(1) { . . rtime = OS_TimerGetRemain(&Timer1); . } }



void OS_TimeSet(U32 ticks)

Places the kernel-internal Tick-Counter on handed over value.


ticksnew value of tick-counter

Return Value



void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { . . while(1) { . OS_TimeSet(24837); . } }


U32 OS_TimeGet(void)

It returns the current value of the kernel-internal Tick-Counter.



Return Value

ticksactual value of tick-counter


void OS_FAR Task1(void *data) { U32 time; . . while(1) { . time = OS_TimeGet(); . } }



void OS_IntEnter(void)

Register an Interrupt-Level. No contextswitch are generated by it. This function is necessary for C-Code ISRs.



Return Value



void OS_FAR ISR1(void) { OS_IntEnter(); . . . OS_IntExit(); }


void OS_IntExit(void)

Unregister an Interrupt-Level. Contextswitches are generated again by it. This function is necessary for C-Code ISRs.



Return Value



void OS_FAR ISR1(void) { OS_IntEnter(); . . . OS_IntExit(); }



U08 OS_HistoryPost(U32 param1, U32 param2)

Writes down an entry into the History-Table of the kernel. Additional to the two parameters still becomes the priority of the Tasks and the Tick-Counter, as time stamps, written down.


param1first 32-bit parameter for table
param2secound 32-bit parameter for table

Return Value

OS_NO_ERREntry written


OS_Q Queue5; void OS_FAR Task2(void *data) { U08 state; U08 Message; . . while(1) { . Message = 0x2D; state = OS_QueueFrontPost(&Queue5, Message, 200); if(state != OS_NO_ERR) OS_HistoryPost((U32)state, 0x0205); . } }


U08 OS_HistoryRead(U32 *param1, U32 *param2, U08 *prio, U32 *time)

Reads next entry from the History-Table of the kernel and deletes this on that occasion.


*param1pointer to variable will get the first 32-bit parameter
*param2pointer to variable will get the secound 32-bit parameter
*priopointer to variable will get priority of task who has this written
*timepointer to variable will get time-stamp of this entry

Return Value

OS_NO_ERREntry read
OS_HIS_ENDno entry existing


void OS_FAR Task3(void *data) { U08 state; U32 Hpara1; U32 Hpara2; U08 Tprio; U32 stamp; . . while(1) { . state = OS_HistoryRead(&Hpara1, &Hpara2, &Tprio, &stamp); . } }